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In our times of social media it's common that every single part of our life is shared with everyone. Sharing the things we are doing, what we plan on doing. 

I saw a quote floating around by Frank Ocean 'Work hard in silence - let your success be your noise' And this is so true. Sometimes it's best not to speak about what you're going to do and just do it. 

Here is why: 

1. Actions speak Louder than words 
Speaking about what you're going to do is different to actually doing it. I've got a list of things I want to achieve but there's no point talking about this list of desired accomplishments if I never actually take action to do them. 

Sometimes for this reason it's best not to say much about your goals, but actually start take the steps to achieve them. Talking about goals are empty statements until they are executed. 

2. Focus on the results 
You want to actually focus on the results you're aiming to achieve instead of getting distracted. The sad truth is that not everyone will believe in you. Some may doubt you and make you feel like it's impossible until you've proved them wrong. Which is why it's best to focus on gaining the results and keep that tunnel vision towards your goals. 

Whatever it is. Whether it is going down 3 dress sizes, getting a promotion, launching a business, writing a book, learning a new talent. Regardless of what it is it's equally as important to focus on gaining results and not allowing yourself to get distracted.  

3. Success will make the noise for you 
The truth of the matter is your success will speak measures for you. Sometimes you don't even really need to say much. But by showing the results, the fact you achieved your goal and the successful outcome will be enough. 

For a lot of people seeing is believing and sometimes you need to do the behind the scenes work in order to have an outcome that'll speak volumes on your behalf!!! I think of athletes in the Olympics. They train for 4 years, putting in all the work behind the scenes. We don't really see what they're doing but we see the results at the Olympics when they're winning medals and succeeding. 

So this isn't to say you shouldn't share with anyone because you never know who can come along side you to help and support you. 

But at the same time there's no point talking about something and not doing it. 
Work hard in silence. Let your success be your noise. 

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Well I can definitely quite an ironic post. Being the queen worrier, the queen drama queen, the queen of making things a bigger deal than they are. The fact that I'm even writing a post to advise anyone on worrying is a huge deal. But I've definitely learnt a thing or two and realise that by focussing on our problems doesn't solve anything. 

Which is why I'm deciding not to worry anymore. Why? Because it's getting boring and I'm tired of it. 

Here's some ways to stop worrying. 

1. De-focus 
Change what you focus your attention on. It's hard. I know it's hard. It's hard when you have no money and you're worrying about how you're gonna pay bills. And as natural as it is to worry it doesn't actually make the situation any better, but magnifies the situation making you feel worse. 

So change your focus. Try to focus on the good. Right now I'm unemployed because I lost my job. But (as hard as it is) I'm trying to focus on the fact I have soooo much more free than I had before to focus on the things I'm passionate about, enjoying the summer, reflecting on life and what I want out of it. 
Changing my focus has really helped & I know my situation won't be this way forever! 

2. Forget about false fears 
Fear is really False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear isn't reality. The things you worry about happening most likely isn't going to happen and won't ever happen. But we get so caught up worrying about things that could happen that never will or do end up

So instead of dwelling on these fears - forget about them and pour them down a drain. Because seriously it isn't worth focussing on your fears. It isn't worth wasting your time on things that won't happen. 

3.  Slow down. 
(And Calm down) 
Stop being so frantic about everything and slow down. I realise that when I'm running around in circles worrying and trying to figure out a way to solve my problems I turn crazy. But deciding to slow down, relax and put life into perspective changes a lot. 

Slowing down and reflecting generally helps the way you feel. I usually try to reflect on the fact that God has created me therefore He will take care of my life. No matter what is going on He will solve my situations. (And it's the same for you). 

God has got every single one of your situations in His hands and is taking care of them. So stop worrying. Worrying takes away the opportunity to enjoy today when you're too busy thinking about tomorrow. 

So I'm deciding to enjoy my today's and not worry about what's going to happen tomorrow. Because it's all under control! 

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This theme has been popping up in my life a lot lately and I'm learning the importance of letting go and throwing out some things out in order to move forward. This isn't necessary a physical spring clean or letting go, but more emotional, mental and spiritual cleansing. Sometimes holding on seems safe, but it could be that exact thing holding us back from the life we should be living. And I'm in the middle of realising this myself - in order to move forward you need to let go! 
Whether it is having to let go of the familiar, the things that hold you back, or letting go and letting God, it's essential to leave those things behind in order to more forward. 

Here's Some Reasons I'm realising the Importance of Letting Go: 

1. To Move Forward
Letting go allows us to move forward, and move ahead in our lives. Life is like a race and similar to an athlete our aim is to reach the finish line. However, you can't reach the finish line by running the race with a backpack full of heavy bricks on your back. I mean you may get to the end, but it will take a very very very long time. Carrying all that weight and baggage will get in the way of getting through the race. So in order to run the race successfully and move forward you'll have to take off the baggage and leave it behind. 

2. To Be the Person You're Meant to Be
Holding onto baggage allows it to weigh a person down. Baggage can also hold you back from becoming the person you're supposed to be. Sometimes we get way too comfortable with what we are carrying that it becomes all too familiar and a part of everyday life.
God wants us to let go of our baggage and the things we are holding onto so that we can live the life He has laid out for us. If we let go we'll live a life of peace, joy and rest in God. 

'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest'  (Matthew 11:28)

3. To Step out of our Comfort Zone
Sometimes we need to let go, to move forward, and also move to the next level of our life. God never wants us to stay where we are or be at the same level we are at forever. Sometimes we need to let go and step out of our comfortable area in order to move to the next level. For example, an athlete cannot get better and start gaining their personal bests or become a better athlete if they're holding onto that bag full of bricks. They'll only stay at the same pace, struggling to push through, Never truly gaining their best or achieving to their next level. 

We need to let go in order to experience the level that God has set out for us which we are supposed to reach. 

4. To Be Free! 
And ultimately...Letting go sets us free! It's always great to experience freedom, and whether it's a case of letting go of mindsets, thoughts such as guilt, shame and hurt, letting go of control, of what someone has done to you, or letting go of fear. It allows us to be free! Freedom allows us to experience peace and the ability to enjoy our life. Similar to the athlete freedom gives us the ability to run as fast as we can without the baggage, weights or burdens. 

'I have come that they might have life, and live it to the full' (John 10: 10)

Recently I have definitely realised the importance of letting go in order to live life to its full. Letting go is an essential part of our journey. We all have a point in our lives where letting go is crucial to moving forward and getting to the next level in our lives. 

I'm letting go of a few things. Letting go and Letting God. Let's let go together!! 


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Being afraid to fail is something that can really prevent you from getting the most out of life (I know it did exactly that to me for a while). The fear of the unknown and fear that everything you try to do may just crumble and fall apart can really get in the way of living life to your full potential and it's not a fun place to be in.

Here are some reasons why you should let go of the fear of failure:  

Your Fears Aren't As Big As You Think 
When you face your fears they actually turn out to be smaller than you thought they were. What makes them big is when you don't look them directly and face up them. The longer you avoid your fears the bigger they grow in your mind. Fears at times can feel the size of a mountain, but a mountain is not that big if you're able to climb up and over it to the other side. Fine, it might take a while to climb up that mountain but you'll eventually overcome it if you're persistent. 

I used to see this acronym but not really pay much attention to it until more recently. And sometimes your fears not only appear smaller than you thought, but a lot of the time they are all a part of your vivid imagination. It's easy to feel begin pre-determining what could happen before it even does and potentially wont! 


You'll never be who you're supposed to be
If you stay in your shell you'll never be the person you are meant to be, and you will never achieve your full potential! I remember there was a time when I was afraid to start up my fashion business again, I'd launched a business that wasn't doing as well as I wanted it to, but instead of persisting and fixing the things I had done wrong I went into my shell and stopped.But there came a time when I started feeling like I wasn't living to my full potential, I was frustrated working jobs I hated, waking up at stupid hours in the morning and not spending time on my passion or doing what I knew I was supposed to be doing. 

Don't allow the fear of failure or the unknown paralyse you from stepping out, because if you do you're getting in your own way of opportunities and having a better life!

Most people fail because they become paralysed by their fear. BE the person who faces their fears and experiences what life could really be and DON'T be the person who succumbs to their fears and does the same thing you've always done. Nothing great ever came from staying in your comfort zone. 

You have to Fail to win. 
Failure is all a part of the process when you're on the road to success, which is why you shouldn't fear failure. You'll make mistakes and that's okay. They teach you what to do right the next time. With my business I've learnt the things that work and what doesn't. In life you're always learning, so count failure as a way to learn. Also sometimes you don't know what to do right until you've seen what's wrong. 

So many people fail before they even saw any success: 

  • Oprah Winfrey was fired from her job as a news anchor because she "wasn't fit tor television"
  • Marilyn Monroe's first contract with Columbia Pictures expired because they told her she wasn't pretty or talented enough to be an actress
  • JK Rowling's first book was rejected by 12 publishing houses before it was finally accepted 

So remember even if you do fail you can STILL win!!! 

Stop fearing the unknown or the possibility of failing, because God did not give you fear, but He gave you power! He gave you the ability to win, the ability to overcome and the ability to go FAR! Especially if you are going through life with Him besides you there's nothing that you cannot do! 

Fight that Fear! 

- Modern Ladyhood 

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Firstly, this isn't about to be one of those posts to suggest you should be like Meagan Good and Devon Franklin, neither is it one which seeks to make you feel envious of the couple. But rather, things you can learn...I guess. (Or perhaps it's just our bias towards generally loving them! I dunno). are our actual reasons as to why....

1. They Waited
Waited for what you ask? Well I am still yet to buy this book so probably not as wised up as I should probably be - But I have read the blurb, and watched interviews leading up to the launch of their book titled,'The Wait' - speaking about how they waited for each other, waited on God and also waited to get married before having sex! 

Celibacy is definitely isn't widely celebrated in the 21st Century - soon as you do tell someone you are celibate it is usually followed with a sympathetic "Ahh, well good on you" response or a "Are you crazy?" response. But they still managed to be different from a large number of the population and do it the 'right way'. The couple spoke in interviews of how much of a positive impact it made on their relationship, by removing insecurities, the potential of being blinded by the physical or using sex to divert from real issues. 

People have probably forgotten or don't know (or maybe don't even care), but God did make sex for the enjoyment of marriage and not before it and this is something we definitely celebrate here at Modern Ladyhood *clap clap*

2. They wrote a book together
Yeah I know...more about this book! I don't know about you but a couple that can write a book together to me shows a great form of team-work!!! 
As a control freaked, perfectionist writer I literally couldn't even imagine sharing the pen with another person, someone else telling me what I wrote was wrong or I should change it! That might just be me. But even back in school I didn't like the English teacher telling me I was wrong -- I mean leave me to make up my own words in peace! Ha!

But this must have taken a huge amount of surrender on both parts. 

3. They're Hollywood but Human
I love the fact they promote things like celibacy and abstinence and loving GOD! Not very Hollywood really. It's just amazing that they are industry-focussed but still church-focussed. 
While some of hollywood are promoting crazy crazy and morrreee crazy lives these two are here talking about standing out, and not doing what the rest of the world are doing and highlighting the benefits in doing so. (Yup!)

4. They support each other 
Nowww we can't talk about how much we love them without talking about 'the incident' - yeah the incident... you know the one where that random woman shouted out to Meagan "We're going to cover up right" referring to her clothing and how inappropriate it is for the Christian world. Hmmm not the way to do it lady!

However, half of a second passes and Devon runs to her rescue, rising up in defence to protect his Queen from harm, like a Knight in shining armour ready to... (okay not exactly like that) but his response was fast, quick to defend and protect her! And that's the way it should be. The man protecting his wife!

5. They're inspirational
I have read Devon's book 'Produced By Faith' and what I loved about this book is his honesty and humility, speaking of reaching success as a Film producer, being humbled along his journey with many hiccups, but not allowing himself to forget who he is once gaining ultimate success and exposure through the production of the film 'The Pursuit of Happyness'. Generally not forgetting it was God who helped him get there, and remembering his calling to be a difference within the Film industry being both a Pastor and a Film producer. If that's not inspiring - I don't know what is. 

So I guess there are some things we can learn from the couple. Or maybe this was an excuse to do a post just for them? I don't know. Either way it's done now lol

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It is easy nowadays with things like social media to have a 'I want what is on their plate' mentality, forgetting what is on our own plate is just right for us! 

We were all created in our own individual ways so comparing your life to someone else's will only cause you to be depressed (I speak from experience). If you constantly look at other people's lives you'll never see the blessings and gifts that are laying there in your own life...

So here are 5 reasons to stop comparing yourself to other people...

1. Comparing Will Drain You. 

If you keep comparing your life to other people, whether friends or not you will become incredibly tired. Feeling like you constantly have to try to keep up with what others are doing which will eventually drain all of your energy, leaving nothing left for yourself. 

Be who you are naturally, not attempting to be someone you're not. Comparing with take away all your happiness and joy and life is not about comparing yourself to others, wishing you had what they did, but rather being the best YOU you can be. 

2. You will never feel good enough 
If you base your worth and your value on other people's success you will never feel like your life is worth much. It doesn't matter the speed another person is going - what matters is your own life and the progress you are making. And generally success is not necessarily based on speed but rather, the progress you are making along your journey. 

You will also start to highlight your faults and everything you don't have. Which will lead you to live an incredibly unhappy lifestyle. 

3. You will lose focus
I used to run track in school and my mum alwasy said to me before my race "Just keep running don't look behind you or next to you otherwise you'll slow down" and this is beneficial advice for our general life as well. is With our social media conscious society it's hard not to take a look at what other people are doing in their daily lives, but if you are constantly focussed on other people's lives you will lose focus on your own. 

Don't be that person who slows down during their race because they are too busy looking at what is next to them. It's great for other people to inspire you, but do the things you know you are supposed to be doing in life. 

4. You will never win 
Comparing yourself to other people will be a never-ending battle. It won't just be one person, but there will always be people who you feel are doing better than you and you'll end up losing in the eyes of comparison. There will always be someone who is doing something you wish you could accomplish, and if you keep on comparing your life to others it'll be a never-ending depressing fight. Taking you down a never-ending spiral

5. You're simply amazing! 
You were made to be you! Don't let anything stop you from remembering that! Even identical twins may look the same but wouldn't be identical in experiences, inspirations, hobbies, and ideas. So why compare yourself to other people? Everyone on this earth is a unique individual and there is no timeline that we have to live by.

God made you the way He did for a purpose and you are exclusive! No matter how much you feel someone else is like you or doing the things you want to do, don't worry about that because there is always something you can bring to the table in your own unique way. You are the only person in the world who thinks the way you do, or has the specific gifts in the way you do or carries the experience, mistakes, stories and triumphs you do! 

And alright! Your friends or people around you might be getting married, having kids, getting promotions, travelling the world but that doesn't mean if you haven't accomplished those things by a certain time your life is worthless. If you see people doing exciting things use it as an inspiring, rather than looking back at your own life sulking and feeling sorry for yourself. 

Practice celebrating your uniqueness and be proud of the things you have accomplished with a desire to improve yourself for YOU and nobody else - also celebrate with those around you who are doing well. 

You have something important to give life in your own special, unique and individual way. Remember that! 


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